Confession...I struggle to stay organized. It does not come naturally to me. So when a good friend of mine over at secondgradealicious offered to co-create a teacher binder, I jumped at the opportunity.
For those of you who don't know me, this is my sly face, better knowing as the #slybrow.
It's the face my husband saw when I can home from Staples. Why go to staples you ask???....I went a little crazy and got our Teacher Binder bound, but between you and me, it was totally worth it.
I know it's not cool to brag about your work, but come on, this thing has everything I need to look like I'm totally on top of my game this year...and it was made with secondgradealicious so is it really bragging...I think not;)
So here are a few of my favourite pages...
The cover, yes, I love the cover. Pink, teal, black, what's not to love?
Love the monthly calendar. Clear, bright, lots of space to write important dates to remember.
This is a page I feel I will be using a lot. I am horrible at recognizing students birthdays. *Gasp*... I know... not the norm for teachers. I am so excited to keep my students birthdays organized with this sheet in our teacher binder. Finally, I can be one of those teachers who always remembers and has a little something fun for my students to look forward to on their special day.
The next page I love is the staff contact information page. I am always in need of a staff member's number when I am unexpectedly sick. This is a great way to keep everyones information in one place.
Now you can see why I got it bound, I can't lose any of the pages;) Yup, I can confess, I lose loose pages of important info all the time.
My last favourite page is the Ontario Curriculum checklist. I love to preplan what I will be teaching first term and second term so this I know will help keep me on top of my game. This is available in Rclassroomsrus tpt store for free, however, in our Teacher Binder we have included all the common core expectations for our American friends. ![](
Wishing everyone an organized start to the school year:)
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