Friday, 19 December 2014

Friday's News

We did it! We have all survived the last week of school.  Yippee!

It's been a crazy  week.

First let me share with you some of my favourite gifts from my students.  My daughter and I made these tacky sweater cookies last night.  They were a lot of fun.

Here's how they turned out.  Tacky and Yummy!

Next I received this teacher survival kit.   It included Advil, Chap stick, Hand sanitizer, face mask, hand cream, gum, and mini chocolates.  

And finally, we have been working on our snowman stories.  First I read my students the story Snowmen at Night.  

Then, we brainstormed ideas of what else snowman could do at night.  After that, we made our good copies of our stories.  I have to say they turned out really well.  Can't wait to put these up on our writing wall. 

And finally, who's feeling like this today. Woot woot!

Happy Holidays' folks!

Friday, 12 December 2014

Friday's News

Happy Friday!

We hope you have all been having a great week.  What have you done to survive this week?

This week we have been focusing on paragraph writing.  Students are working hard to give a strong topic sentence, three juicy details, and finishing with a fitting conclusion.  

For our bell work we are focusing on the short U sound.  These visual posters really seem to help my low learners.

As a school we are holding a draw for students to enter to win a gingerbread house made my the older students at our school.  These gingerbread houses are outside the main office and I have to admit, I usually catch several students hanging out and looking them over rather than on their way to class.  lol.

Along with a Gingerbread house draw, we are also holding a school wide toy drive.  I have to say I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our community.  I love watching how excited my students are to go and play a toy they have brought in for needy family under the tree.  
Makes my heart warm.

This week we have continued with our 15 days of Giving.  Our Librarian asked if we could help her decorate her windows for Christmas.  So an amazing EA at our school came in and taught us how to make these beautiful snowflakes.  I have to say I was really proud of my students for all the hard work they put into these.  

Now it's your turn, how has your week been?  How have you survived? Go ahead and share all your news by linking up below with InLinkz.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Friday's News

This week we started are 15 Days of Giving.  For Day 1 we were to tidy a neighbour's classroom.  I have been really sick this week and was away the first day of our 15 Days of Giving.  When I came back on Tuesday it was reported to me that my students had told the class that had cleaned our room that they didn't' do a good job.  I know.  Enter shock and horror face here.  So needless to say we took a lot of time Tuesday morning talking about how much thought and effort goes into doing a good deed for someone and why it's important to show appreciation.  I asked them how they would feel if the other class had responded the same way, and of course they said their feelings would have been hurt.  I challenged them to make this right and hope our little chat sunk in.   

It's these little life lessons that don't come in the curriculum, but are so important to teach. 

Needless to say the rest of our 15 Days of Giving have been a blast.  

I think our favourite part of the 15 days of giving was making these cute cards for a retirement home. My students loved colouring and decorating them.

Our next big news is that we will be preforming Stone Soup for our Holiday Show.  Our students have been hard at work getting our play and props ready.  I have to say I really like the way our signs and car have turned out for the play.  

We also decided to use this play to make our own stone soup.  Each student brought in something to add to the soup.  We cooked it up and then all sat down at lunch to enjoy it together.  Not gonna lie, was one of the most memorable moments of my teaching career.  You see many of my students come for homes that struggle to put food on the table.  I heard one little boy shout, "this is the best meal I have ever had".  It will now be a tradition in my classroom because of that comment.

And lastly, TGIF!!!!!  Anyone else feeling like this???

Happy Friday everyone!