Friday, 18 September 2015

Friday's News


An InLinkz Link-up

Well the first official full week is in the books in our neck of the woods. It's been a great week of new routines and getting to know one another. The honeymoon is over and now it is time to see what our students are made of and what we need to teach them.

Jeff has been exploring some new software in his classroom, which is called Seasame Snap. It is an app that helps make andeotal notes and assessments through pictures and videos. So far he likes it but is still trying to get use to it.

In one of our writing classes we had students give us a retell about their summer. They where engaged and loved going through the process of writing.

Jeff is also trying the "Passion Project" idea with his class. It's also known as Genius hour and 20 time. Here are some things from his Bad Idea Factory. He also asked his class what Passion means to them. Here are some of their great responses.

We also love this poster

Friday, 11 September 2015

Friday's News

How's everyone doing out there?  If you are like us, you are finishing up your first week of school.  We are SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired.  As a family, it's all we can do to crawl into bed a night.

How do we survive moments like this?????  It's all about the sugar high baby.  lol!

So we have to ask, what's your secret to surviving the first week of school?  
Candy, Coffee, Wine?????

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend...with lots of sleep. 

Friday, 4 September 2015

Friday's News

Well well well here we are back in a room with four walls, a door, and a window to the outside if your lucky. Your walls might have been bare last week but now they are completely filled with anchor charts, schedules, and other posters you have put to help make it feel a bit more organized. No, you haven't just moved into a house. You've officially moved into your classroom. You know that place you spend 10 months of your life in. All you need now are the students which guess what? They are coming next week or they have already arrived depending where you teach. Are you ready?

Parents are like this
Well we as teachers are like this

How are you feeling? Are your ready?