Saturday, 30 May 2015

Summer Reading

Remember those days when the school year ended in elementary school or even during University and you got excited thinking"YES no books to read!" Yeah if that was you and you are thinking that this summer you are going to be shouting that from the roof tops then stop reading right now and leave. Yep! Click, on another webpage now. Do it! Because if you don't then you will probably suffer a crushing blow that summer reading does exist and it exists for all of us.

As a teacher I am always looking at how to improve and I am also consumed with the ever changing trends that are taking place to help meet my potential students needs. If you are like me you are likely scrolling through Twitter and favouriting "tweets" that mention new book titles. Maybe you are a part of a teaching resource page on Facebook and compiling a list of recommended books. Or possibly you sit in your staff room during breaks and pass along titles of great reads rather then discussing the daily school yard gossip.

I've compiled my list of summer reading. Here are the four books that I am choosing to bury my nose in this summer.

I am excited about all these choices. The reason is simple I am excited to learn. The two books I am really itching to get into are "Drive" and "The 20time Project" I had the chance to listen to the author of the later book speak at the Google Summit earlier this year. If his book is as gripping as his talk then I will be hooked from cover to cover. His book and "Drive" really talk about the idea of doing a "Passion project" which is a concept I would love to try with my students next year. 

"No More I'm Done!" I skimmed through at the beginning of the school year and I gained a lot of great ideas from the sections I read for my writing lessons in class. I am now going back to really throw myself into the entire book. 

Finally, "Making Thinking Visible" caught my attention because of the fact that it really talk about creating engagement and independence in all learners. Which I think is a great need for all of our students.  

So what are you reading this summer? Are you going to read anything at all? 

Share your ideas maybe you might inspire someone else. 

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