Friday 22 April 2016

Friday's News

Another week has come and gone and in an instant you feel like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel or the finish line of this long race we call school.

It's been a fun and fast week with lots of things coming at us.

Personally, our house is very excited for the addition of our new puppy Bailey who will be coming home in another two weeks. He is an English Bulldog.
In the classroom Jeff has been testing out a great app for use with Google Apps for Education. It's called Kaizena. Kids can record things like reading, jot notes, and respond to feedback orally as well as written. Here are some kids using the app. 

Jeff was also using his other favourite app Ed Puzzle has his students are starting to learn about gears. 

How did your week turnout? Let us know. 

1 comment:

  1. Awwww the puppy is so cute! I never heard of Kaizen thanks for sharing & hosting!
